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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Vending Machines

When you think vending machine what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I know for me it is great snack foods on a budget! Now there are new vending machines that sale new and improved electronics. Yeah! So now I'm thinking what kind of electronic? So, they have new bipods, cell phones and, DVD's. Well, of course these products are going to be little pricier than a pack of gum. So instead of quarters use you credit card.

I personally think this invention is bull because it sounds like the owners know that your going to want the convince and then just use your credit card which I don't think is smart the world is going in debt more and more each day and this is not helping anyone except the money hungry owners which is ridiculous I think the more electronics we have takes us away from the beauty of life.Innocent

»2:08 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: gibsonjennifer01
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Merger Google

Google and Writely are together now they are making waht they call google docs. which will no replace the microsoft. When google made this announcement microsoft was really hurt because microsoft is used to no compettition and their spreadsheets were ecessar buy no anyy more now people have choices.  Betweeen google and writely are merging to make great spreadsheets and to allow microsoft to fail.

»3:37 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: gibsonjennifer01
Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Manage money


In the article it shows a happy newlyweds that had to wait to take their honeymoon because Sid and Divya are both young and Divya is still in school she is going to be a dentist so school was their focus but the priority was a house they found one and Sid switched jobs and then they bought their house and they found the perfect honeymoon and they loved it even though they had to wait. They waited nine months but the total expense was twenty thousand dollars but they budget and they saved five thousand dollars a month I wish I was able to just stick five thousand dollars in the bank just for savings after you pay all the utilities. They couple say that if they keep saving they will live comfortably for a while and will have their own security. They seem like they know how to pay bills on time and their use to their type of living.

»2:07 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: gibsonjennifer01
Thursday, September 21, 2006



Now that Apple and Microsoft are fighting or in war there is going to be big competition. This means that ipods and other digital equipment will go down in prices dramatically. Usually when you go to buy a song you only get a demonstration now that Microsoft is willing to help now there going to merge with Zune. When you think that you're interested in a song now you can "borrow" for three days or three plays. My big question is how they are going to keep from people copying them. While the customers are supposedly trying to make a decision. I would love to believe that that's what they will do but I highly doubt it because you can not trust any one these days it horrible to say but true.

»2:48 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: gibsonjennifer01
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Time Management


        When you have a job you have some type of a schedule because you then have to work around work. I myself still do not have a regular job I just baby sit and odd jobs on the side. So the only real schedule I have is school which is really nothing to brag about but pretty soon I will be out of school and gaining more responsibility as an adult which means managing time to get anything done. I now am pretty good at doing assignments when they need to be done I tried to cut down on procrastination so we will see how long that works. When I have deadlines for more than one thing I usually multi- task but now I see that it is not so good because then you will get yourself confused which I do very easily.

»1:36 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: gibsonjennifer01
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